Ludwik Modzelewski

Birth Name Modzelewski, Ludwik
Gender mężczyzna
Age at Death more than 61 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth estimated 1844 Ławsk    
Death estimated after 1905      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Marcin Modzelewski1803estimated 1873
Mother Rozalia Witkowskaestimated 1810Dec 23, 1850
    Brother     Piotr Modzelewski estimated 1831 Dec 8, 1880
    Brother     Mikołaj Modzelewski estimated 1834 estimated after 1887
    Sister     Józefa Modzelewska estimated 1839 Sep 25, 1847
         Ludwik Modzelewski estimated 1844 estimated after 1905


Family of Ludwik Modzelewski and Paulina Staniszewska

Married Wife Paulina Staniszewska ( * estimated 1850 + estimated after 1905 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Aleksander Modzelewski
Małgorzata Modzelewska
Wojciech Modzelewskiestimated 1876Sep 28, 1878